What’s up with the weather this year?

Every winter has its own personality. Have you ever noticed that?

Well, this year is one cranky cantankerous old man with a score to settle with somebody.

Early December had us iced in around Dallas for a few days. We lived to tell about that only to experience more very cold temperatures lately.

I know we’re having a tough time of it when the local meteorologists are saying things like. “We haven’t seen temperatures this frigid since the week of the Super Bowl.”

In the six years I’ve lived in Plano that was the worst two-week stretch of winter I’ve lived through here. I guess we were just trying our best to make the people from Wisconsin and Pennsylvania feel right at home.

Well, I moved here from Michigan to avoid cold temps and anything resembling frozen water piled on top of itself.

The Russians can keep their Polar Vortexes to themselves in my humble opinion.

I haven’t seen an interview with any global warming “experts” lately. Have you? They’re probably having their time in the limelight south of the equator.

A few days ago I witnessed a swarm of robins making their way south. No, there were literally hundreds of these birds–it was a swarm not a flock. I couldn’t make out what they were saying but I’m sure they were chewing out their travel agent.

They have to survive on juniper berries this time of year since all forms of insects are frozen solid until spring. There must be some very bare juniper trees just north of Texas for that many birds to still be living through this winter…and very many fertilized juniper seeds deposited between here and there. Apparently God has plans for a juniper forest in the end-times events.

I thought I was going to start a drought in Texas last month when I finally broke down and invested in some high-quality water-proof work boots. I got sick of walking on the side of my old boots so the puddles didn’t seep through the holes in my soles getting my feet wet.

Last week we had a full day of “rain.” I put that in quotes because it wasn’t a real rain. It was more of a mist that required the use of delaying the wipers as you drove down the road. It never let up. Occasionally it did shower down briefly.

While this was playing out during the day I kept hearing the same weather forecast on the radio: “there’s a 30% chance of rain today…” Even though it was a full-day event.

A more accurate forecast would have said: “We have a 100% chance of 30% rain.” I guess that would be too logical for those convinced that scientific calculations are only summed up one way.

Come to think of it some churches are changing the definition of sin to suit their agendas. In an effort to get more people in their buildings putting money in their offering plates they wink at people living a life very unpleasing to God

“It’s okay. God still loves you. He knows you can’t help yourself. That’s just the way you are.” They tell these lost souls.

I’m not saying God doesn’t love these souls, but, they need to hear the full truth to come to a realization of their need for a Savior named Jesus Christ. If they’re deluded into thinking that God will let them into heaven because they found a church that accepts them they’ll be very miserable for all eternity.

Don’t ask them to get cleaned up before you welcome them into your church, but, don’t allow them to stay in their mire, either.

There are some definitions we aren’t allowed to touch. Sin and salvation in Jesus Christ are two of them.

None of us is perfect so let’s not judge anybody’s lifestyle. We ALL need a substitute to fill in the gap that exists between us and God.

God’s Son, Jesus Christ, is that unique substitute for each one of us.

“I am the way, the truth and the life; nobody comes to God except through me.” John 14:6

Any message that departs from that truth is heresy.

Let’s love each person to God through Christ on an individual basis. Without tweaking the truth.

The Holy Spirit will convict them of their sin in His time.

Keep smiling. Β  Wade


  1. Amen, Wade. Amen. Great post–lots to think about πŸ™‚


    • Thanks for stopping by, Deb.
      Thinking is one of those things that doesn’t cost anything, but, for some people it would be priceless if they actually started doing it.

      • Ha!! You’re so right. Perhaps a few of our elected officials would profit (as would we) if they began to think–really think. πŸ™‚ Have a good evening.


  2. I know the word “impossible” isn’t in God’s vocabulary, but, I think you’re asking for a bit much there, Deb.

    • Yeah, you’re right, Wade. But I can dream πŸ™‚

      • Dream away, Deb. Dream away. πŸ˜‰