A dog’s best friend.

People are a dog’s best friend. Yeah, that’s what I wanted to type. Trust me, this is my blog and I have a rambling idea of where I’m going with this. So, sit back and enjoy.

I’ve heard it expressed that military people prefer dogs, while artists prefer cats. Makes sense to me. You give a dog a command and it obeys. Try that with a cat and they just sit there and look at you. They have their own agenda: just love me when you’re in my presence and we’ll get along just fine.

I’ve never been in the military, but I get along pretty well with dogs. But, I must confess there’s nothing quite like being owned by a cat. Yeah, that’s how you need to approach that relationship.

Dogs require a bit more time from their humans than cats do. You set up a litter box for a cat and you’re set. They’ll use it when necessary,  whether you’re around, or not. Dogs need a lot more guidance in that department, if you know what I mean.

Dogs need to be taken outside to take care of their business. No matter what the weather. That’s just the way it is. It’s what happens to the aftermath of those trips that has me riled up.

I enjoy running as my main source of exercise. Call me weird, but, that’s just me. There’s a city park a couple of blocks from my apartment that I run to and complete two laps whenever I can. I also prefer to run off of the sidewalk. The grass gives more of a cushion than the cement does. It’s not much fun when I have to watch every step because too many people aren’t responsible enough to pick up after their pooch.

I have a remedy for that situation that will bogue some of you out, but, it’ll get the job done. I think it needs to be part of the requirements of having a dog that the person needs to keep the dog inside until he/she learns to pick up their pet’s excrement.

That seems to be the best way to insure I don’t have to avoid getting my running shoes contaminated by someone else’s lack of responsibility. If you’re one of those who automatically picks up the poop then we’re friends.

Just because the pile is off the sidewalk doesn’t mean it’s been taken care of. Then again, I’ve seen it on the sidewalk too.

There’s nothing worse than running along and stepping on a squishy substance that makes St. Peter say, “Ewwww, who in the world just stepped in a dog pile?” Yeah, they talk that way in Heaven: “Who in the world just stepped on a dog pile?” I’m so glad Peter has such a great sense of humor, he gets to start off a lot of jokes.

Thanks for giving me a place to vent my frustrations. If you own a dog then please take the hint here. If you’re owned by a cat then make sure you keep the box clean for your furry friend.

Keep smiling.   Wade


  1. dingo4mum

    bogue? Is that like the word ‘gross’? Must be one of those Southern things. 😉 Seems like dogs are a bit like children in that as soon as I leave the house they need to, um, go… NOW.

    Note: if you ever see me running it’s because something super scary is chasing me. 🙂 Have fun running.

    • Yes, Lucy, bogue means the same thing as gross. Its a purely American word, I think.
      I’ll try to keep in mind that I have an international audience, but, being a humor blog there still may be some things that you’ll need an explanation for. I know you’ll speak up for clarification.
      I guess that’s one way to ensure comments get posted, anyway.
      May I suggest you start off with jogging, just a thought. 😉

      • dingo4mum

        Jogging? Exercise? Perish the thought!

        Thanks for clarifying. Makes the blogging world interesting when it’s flavoured with unique words. 🙂

      • C’mon Lucy. Just drink a Texas-sized cup of coffee and go for a run. I’ve seen how much energy you have then.